Thursday, July 5, 2012

SIW Adam & Bronwille: Ch 11 : Hidden Showdown.

SIW : Adam and Bronwille.

Chapter Eleven : Hidden Showdown.

"Get a cleaning crew in here and get rid of these remains. I don't want any traces of her left. Is that clear?" Derrick directed Chasey.


Derrick licked his lips. It may not have been a worthy fight but she had tasted so damn good. He felt a minute of regret but that lasted about two heartbeats. Now he wondered where he would have to look to get a similar tasting replacement. Only this time, he wouldn't make the mistake of letting the little bitch get the upper hand, ever.

He opened a hidden door and walked straight into his private rooms at the club. In need of a shower, he also needed a change of clothes since the little slut had torn his old ones. As he stood under the searing hot water, he glanced down at his arm. She nearly had ripped it off. That was the main reason he had drained her dry, he needed to be in tip top shape for the possible meeting that could happen tonight.

Thinking about it, his doubts resurfaced and he reminded himself that he hadn't had a chance to question Chasey about it all. He'd give the man one last shot at proving himself, if he still felt that Chasey was about to double cross, him he'd take care of him personally.

+ + + +

Adam arrived with Dave and Merlin as their trusted shadow. He knocked on the side entrance just like Chasey told him to do. A bulky guard opened the door and gave him a dirty look which was meant to intimidate him. Adam smirked as he said, "Chasey told me to come this way if I needed to talk to him tonight. Mind telling him we, my Alpha and myself, have arrived?"

It was like the name alone put the fear in everyone. The guard stepped aside and gestured for them to come inside. Dave went first, slipping into the role of arrogant Alpha without a care in the world. Adam followed, scouting the hallway slowly. He was Beta to Dave but tonight he took on the role as bodyguard too. He stalled a bit, giving Merlin time to slip past them.

The guard mumbled a few hushed words into a tiny microphone attached to his black t-shirt.

"I'm to take you to one of our VIP rooms. It seems the boss and Mister DiSarbonne are unexpectedly preoccupied. They will join you in a few moments," he said in a strong voice.

"I hope the wait won't be too long," Dave said sarcastically, slipping into the role of a dictator Alpha, "I've got more on my plate than to wait on a few bloodsuckers."

Dave sensed Adam's surprise and wanted him to relax. Relax, we got a role to play, can't let them see or notice anything. You know I'm only going along with the situation. You called me to help you out, I came. Remember, I'm your friend but I'm also your Alpha. Have some faith, I know what I'm doing, I just want this little dip shit knowing we don't beat around the bush.

Adam relaxed again, Dave was right. Yet for both, it was an unnatural treat so it caught Adam a bit off guard hearing him talk like this. Mostly it was Adam being the big tough guy and Dave the reasonable one. It seems the roles really were reversed for tonight. They both scanned the club as the guard cleared a path towards the VIP area and escorted them further to one of the more private boots.

"Someone will be right here to take your order."

"Don't bother," Dave cut it, "I'm not planning on socializing tonight, just talking shop. Just get it through to your boss that I'm an impatient man, this isn't scoring points in my book."

The guard look startled at the insolent tone the Alpha used. Without so much as another word he turned and left them alone.

Both men put a bored look on their face as they went back to scouting the room in front of them. Adam saw Ed at the other side of the room but didn't let his look linger as not to give away any clues. From his peripheral view he saw the small nod Ed made before he blended in with the crowd again. Adam fought a smile as he realized that Ed had simply showed himself because he wanted Adam to see him. Well played, my friend.

"Wonder what's taking so long for that douche to show himself? I'm getting bored looking this bored…" Dave droned on next to him.

"You'll just have to suck it up, Alpha," Adam replied with a hint of amusement unbefitting the moment, "I wish this was over already too."

Their relationship had always been special. Dave being Alpha never did much to it but strengthen their bond as friends and blood brothers. It hadn't surprised Adam one bit that Dave was giving him full reign in getting his revenge. What did surprise him was how fast Dave had agreed to leave the pack and come help him out. He knew the pack would be in good hands but he also knew how much of a planner Dave normally is.

He never went anywhere unless he knew everything there was to know; now Dave sat here next to him, as blind as he ever was, in a situation he didn't know against people he knew would make the Devil seem like your BFF.

As time passed, more women started to notice their presence, a few hoping they would notice them. Deliberately, Dave inspected his nails, making it very clear he wasn't interested. Adam snickered which earned him an angry glare.

We're here for other things and you and me both know we don't want some random pussy anymore, Dave shared in a mocking tone, So cut the crap and focus.

With effort Adam controlled his mirth, actually chastising himself that at this time he could tease Dave, too much was at stake to lose focus now. Nonetheless this little intermezzo broke the tension that was building in both of them.

Focusing back on the crowed he looked for the hidden doors he knew were there. It  was a little something Sue had told them. It's mainly Derrick using them when he's here and Chasey only used them when he wanted a quick exit, though that didn't happen often with the exhibitionistic affinities he seemed to display often enough.

+ + + +

Ed faded back into the darkness after showing himself for a short second, immediately seeing Adam quickly zoning into him. Contact made, he went back in search for his particular target. The beast inside of him was pacing patiently as if he knew he would have his share of fun tonight. For once he made little effort reining in his beast. The taste he had a short while ago had tipped him over and he knew it would only be days before his beast would grow too antsy and he wouldn't be able to control him.

With a few mind tricks Merlin had shown him what Rupert looked like, so he wouldn't have much trouble finding the little douche bag. Here and there he thought he saw someone that looked like him. Slowly he stalked his way closer and grinned when the person he was trailing was the right one. Making sure to keep his distance, he  never lost sight of him.

He saw Rupert making moves on a tiny redhead. He growled inwardly, he didn't know many details of what was done to Bron, but seeing that this creep had a thing for redheads just irked him the wrong way. Ed didn't want this girl to be made into another victim and he decided to move in, fast.

Swiftly he made his way over and made it look like he accidentally bumped into them.

"Watch where you going, stupid dog," Rupert hissed at Ed.

"Hey, it's crowed here, I didn't mean too," Ed said but was cut off by the vampire.

"I don't fucking care if you meant to or not. I decide who I touch and it certainly won't be such a dirty dog like you!" Rupert insulted Ed even more.

Those words did just want Ed feared a little, they pushed his beast to the forefront.

"Is that a fact, you dirty, lousy excuse of a bloodsucker?" he taunted him.

"Let's take this somewhere else. I don't take to insults from a puny werewolf!"

"Oh by all means, lead the way. Then I'll tone you down a few notches," Ed agrees with a dark smile, his eyes already turning slightly red as his beast wanted out.

Ed, you have to control yourself my friend. You know he's Adam's to take care off. Just get him outside into the alley or somewhere lower. There are empty floors. Adam and Dave are still waiting, so if you're fast, I can already take care of the two of you. Remember: control! Ed heard Merlin say into his mind. It did bring him around a little. Sensing their connection was still open he replied I'll just play a little bit, I promise.

His wolf was wandering restlessly as Ed followed Rupert through a few dark corridors than down a flight of stairs. He almost cheered when Rupert thought to have him cornered in a dark empty room. With a thud the door closed behind them and the two paced around each other.

Rupert's eyes had gained a red glow, his fangs extending past his lower lip.

Ed's eyes matched him as his wolf was gaining the upper hand, the wild beast hiding behind them both eager for a rumble and tumble with this pitiful excuse of a vampire.

With a soft roar Ed changed, his wolf's black coat helping him blend in even better in this dark room. He knew only the vampire was there because he hadn't sensed any heartbeat. Silently, he padded next to the walls, tracking the red vampire eyes.
He almost smiled as he saw them going into another direction. Did someone teach this vampire to even hunt?

He quickly lashed out, ripping the left leg from top to bottom. He howled in victory as he heard the snarls of the vampire fading as he moved to another corner in the room. He sat there for a while, smelling the blood Rupert was losing, before trailing back up and ripping open his right leg. Another victorious howl followed as he retreated.

"Is that all you can do, little doggie," Rupert spoke softly, unease clear in his voice.

Ed scoffed, the words were like oil on fire. His wolf got more agitated and wanted to show this piece of shit that they meant business. Retreating a bit more, the inner, darker beast came forth. Ed willingly gave up control and let out the rogue in him.

A loud roar erupted from the beast as he grew a few more sizes. He didn't even try to hide from the vampire; he simply walked up to him and slashed his face, catching the vampire by surprise.

Only now did Rupert realize he wasn't just fighting a simple doggie, he was against a powerful werewolf with enough control to let out not just his wolf but also his rogue wolf. He never heard of it being possible but seeing he already had two legs ripped to shreds he had to concede more was a possibility. He managed to call in his vampiric speed and avoided the next attack but only just. He'd felt him passing by several times, not once touching him.

The rogue wolf was enjoying this game of tag. Apart from disfiguring his face he hadn't drawn anymore blood from the bloodsucker. He wanted to chase him, rip him apart but the vampire wasn't doing much. Then he heard a whoosh and he grinned. The vampire had finally woken up and realized playtime was over.

Patiently he bided his time until the vampire would move again. He could sense the slightest of air movement and pick up the most silenced noise. He would pin him down and shred him to bits. The thought of having some free flowing blood running down his mouth made him salivate.

There it was, a soft scrape on the ground. Not waiting a second longer, he started off in the same direction, colliding with the vampire. He slashed out at his face again and tried to pin him down with his weight. He growled with frustration at the feeble attempt the vampire made. He tried to hit him but didn't even come close, within seconds he had both arms trapped under his huge paws.

Tauntingly he licked some of the blood of the vamps face, making a whole show of it. He felt a nagging in the back of his mind but ignored it, he wanted a snack now that the vampire was trembling with fear under him. He showed his teeth before snapping him in the face.

Much to Rupert's surprise the wolf let him go. With as much speed as his torn body could muster, he crawled to the other side of the room. His legs hurt, not to mention his face. He felt the blood trailing down, soaking his clothes. He cursed inwardly, weren't vampires supposed to be the strongest! He felt humiliated at how this wolf was toying with him.

Huddled in a corner he tried to assess his wounds as best as he could, knowing that only a good feed would help him heal instantly. He focused on his surroundings and could barely detect any sound. He concentrated harder. There it was, a heartbeat! He could hear the wolf now. The revelation that the heartbeat was slow and steady was proof that he hadn't made much of an effort yet.

Rupert thought hard about this and something told him that he wouldn't leave this room alive. So be it, but if I go out, I won't go willingly! He tried pin pointing the wolf's whereabouts again and launched himself into his direction. Right away he realized the error of his move.

The wolf had been waiting for him, or rather baiting him even.

With a loud growl the roguish wolf butted the vampire in the stomach, making him fly back the way he came. Swiftly the wolf pursued and jumped the vampire. He could feel the talons the vampire had grown trying to tear up his belly. It annoyed the wolf immensely that his opponent was so weak and outright dumb. He knew his belly was a soft spot, but the effort the vampire was making almost had him sit down on his haunches and laugh at him.

With a snap of his powerful mouth he stopped the feeble attempt. The anguished scream that came forth was music to his ears. He heard the pain laced through that scream. He reveled in it. After he heard the bone snap, he dropped the motionless limb and stared straight into the eyes of the vampire.

The wolf chuffed in a derisive manner. This was far from what he considered a good fight. This was a weakling. You only did one thing with weaklings and that was getting rid of them!

A second later he dug into the vampire's throat, howling with joy as the blood poured into his awaiting mouth.

The vampire started struggling again and he wanted to rip out his throat to stop the distracting movements. Before he could even complete that thought, it all turned black for him and he landed on top of the squirming vampire.

A shimmer appeared next to them.

The vampire was still scared shitless but seeing someone who had put the raging wolf on top of him out, he considered them a friend for life. With a pleading look he stared up at the tall blond man.

"Don't even start hoping. We need you alive, for now," Merlin said in a dark, emotionless tone. "I just didn't want this one to have all the fun."

With a snap of his fingers the three of them were gone.

+ + + +

John and Gabriella had been pacing back and forth, knowing the plan but deep down having a small hint of fear that things would go wrong. Suddenly, Merlin appeared in front of him with a huge wolf trapping a struggling vampire.

"This is one part done. Can you make sure this little shit gets put away? I'll clean up his skin but that's all I'll do, how much he heals until Adam gets a hold of him is up to him. I'll secure Ed, I'm not sure in which state he'll wake up but he gave himself up to his rogue wolf," Merlin explained.

"John, will you take that heap of flesh out of here? I'll help Merlin settle in Ed. Merlin, are you sure he'll revert back? I never heard of a rogue wolf backing down, they keep going until they get killed in some way," Gabriella asked.

"I was surprised to when I was told, but he's done it before. It's not known outside of his pack and they know not to mess with him. I think all in all it works for them. He just had a taste for the hunt when they went after the rogues and Adam knew he would want more. Guess he got a bit more now, but he wasn't sated, I hate to admit it but I think once he wakes up he'll want more blood, a kill even. Not sure how we'll do that. We might be running out of people to punish to let him have one of them," he said in a stern voice.

"It puts us in an awkward position, but we'll work something out. We'll patch up the vamp you brought with you, no need for you to stress over him. Now it's another waiting game. I really do hope that Derrick doesn't suspect anything. I don't know how he does it but every attempt we made to come close to just even talk he diverted. He knew somehow!"

"He won't this time around. Whatever power it is he uses I'll block it, he'll just have the normal vampire speed and strength that would be normal if just one of you two sired him. Think you'll be able to handle him in that case," Merlin told.

Gabriella walked up to him and hugged him tight, as tight as she dared at least.

"For only just knowing you, Merlin, you are going way beyond friendship with what you are doing for us."

He hugged her back gently. "Think nothing of it, I'm glad to put a few wrongs right. I just want to make sure Adam gets his own revenge and closure so he can move on too and make a pass at his mate. He ain't seen nothing yet with her, she's a little firecracker if you ask me," he said, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"I'd love to meet them one day. Seeing who is all here and how John always spoke with much respect about the people Adam was friendly with, I just want to get to know them. Beside it never hurts being in your good book," she added with a smile.

"I'm sure that will happen. Besides we still owe each other some history," Merlin smiled, "So don't worry, you're already in my good book."

Stepping back, Gabriella brushed some invisible dust bunnies from his clothes.

"Thanks, Merlin, really, for everything," she said one final time.

"I better get back now and see how Adam and Dave are doing. The last I saw of them was them being surrounded by a lot of the female party goers and Dave didn't like it."

"I bet he didn't. You'll knock on my door when you come over with Derrick?" Gabriella asked as she tapped her temple.

"I will. I'll keep him completely bounded no worries and I'll redo his powers a bit so he can't pull a white rabbit out of his hat."

"Wait with his powers, control them or bind them, but I want to try one of my own on him, to see which one he really has. Maybe that way I can put some things in order for myself as to how he managed to elude us this long. After that, be my guest."

"Consider it done."

With a small nod he vanished in front of her. She turned around and went looking for her Prince. There was a very emotional and hard moment in the works for both her and John, not one she was looking forward to but one that was needed to prevent more bad things from happening.

Like a little hummingbird she followed the invisible path that led her straight to her mate, she gave him a sad smile as he knew what was ahead of them. John just closed and locked the door and simply held open his arms. Gabriella hugged him tight, luxuriating in their bond, amazed that after all this time it still had the same effect on her as it did when they met a millennia ago.

"I cleaned up this pitiful creature. I can't call him a vampire knowing what he has done to become one. I've shackled him up with silver covered titanium, I'm sure this dip shit doesn't know what the titanium will do, or rather prevent. Are the Masters these days so stupid they can't teach their fledglings what they're supposed to know?" he pondered, gently stroking her soft curls.

"I hope they are. Sadly, we can't speak for this one. So far, all the vamps he's made knew nothing about our ways, they were totally in the dark and they were all the baddest of the baddest. Not a huge waste to mankind when we terminated them." Gabriella cringed at the use of her own words.

Much against popular belief, they weren't the hunting kind, at least not her coven. She had done her best to keep her numbers of fledglings low, but she taught them well. They trained them how to hunt, first animals then to pick out the criminals, a kind known to rear their ugly head in each era they lived in. There would always be thieves, rapists, killers, always easy victims for them to feed on. For the rest, they always upheld a normal household with very loyal staff, most positions going down the family line.

Both of them have always upheld the honesty that came with being a vampire. It didn't happen often, rather very rarely, that one of their fledglings went astray. In those moments it became clear to them all why Gabriella always had said to use titanium AND silver. The silver was enough to bind any vampire, locking him up tight. The titanium on the other hand made sure they couldn't use their other powers.

This little bit of knowledge was as good as lost to the modern day vampire because most of them had lost or ignored their true powers and just depended on speed and force to get their meals. This was an oversight Gabriella and John made sure never to forget. It would probably give them the upper hand on most vampires. Sadly Derrick was not most.

John hugged her even closer and brushed his lips over hers.

"I'm not sure how tonight will go but know that it ends. He's our child, he fooled us, the people that gave him everything and now we'll take it all back. Like you, I'm not looking forward to it and would really love to take up Merlin on his offer to simply deal with him. Something tells me it wouldn't even cost him much more than a snap with his fingers."

"I agree, my Prince. We've done wrong with embracing him as our child and it's up to use to undo our wrongdoings. As uneasy as it makes me feel, I couldn't live with myself if I'm this weak. He's done enough vile things for me to be able to push my feelings aside when the time is there. For now, I just need some reassurance that we're doing the right thing," she said, sounding a bit unsure.

"Oh my beautiful Queen, don't ever doubt yourself. We're in this boat together. He betrayed us after fooling us. He's killed, lied, raped, and whatever more you could possibly come up with. He's our responsibility and we'll take care of it, tonight. Tomorrow we'll mourn the loss of our child but tonight we take care of a villain."

He held her away from him just a little bit and saw the pinkish dew threatening to escape her eyes. Softly he brushed away her near tears before he gently kissed her eyelids. Gabriella felt that shudder that he always managed to create and it made her feel stronger, a lot stronger.

"We'll get through tonight and we'll deal with tomorrow tomorrow," she said decidedly.

"There is my beautiful Queen again," he said proudly.

"Just let us get away from this cell. We can wait up front until Merlin 'calls in' and comes over with the rest. I can't stand being around this one for much longer or I might steal Adam's revenge."

"I can't blame you, sweetheart. Come," he said, holding out his hand.

Together they walked away after making sure the door was well and truly locked with titanium locks.

+ + + +

Dave grew antsy. For almost half an hour they’d been waiting now. The only tidbit of good news they had was Merlin "telling" them that Rupert was safely tucked away; the downside of it was that Ed was out cold.

That news didn't really surprise Adam, however, he was glad Merlin stepped in in time. He would have hated going at it with Ed for stealing his revenge. But he understood, so he was OK with how things went, so far.

With a single word here and there, Adam tried to keep his Alpha in check. He was glad that they hadn't told him details of what Sue went through. Dave only knew they had found her here and that she was addicted to the vampire blood, that addiction now taken care of by Merlin. As time went by, Adam could see that Dave was putting things together and what the possibilities of things being done to and by Sue and that wasn't helping their case. He needed Dave sane.

"Dave, you know I'd never overstep my boundaries but you have to get it together, for Sue's sake. I know how your mind works and right now I don't think I want to know even what you're imagining. Just get a grip on it so we can get these two out of here. After that by all means, rip Chasey apart. He's the one you want," Adam tried talking a bit of reasoning into his friend and Alpha.

A low growl was the reply Adam got and he sighed heavily.

"Once we're out of here you can read my mind, well part of it. You'll understand than why we didn't tell you from the start. Trust me that we'll get this all taken care of, the lot of them. We just can't show anything now or they'll know something is up and this charade has been for nothing. Then it's back to square one, I don't want that!"

Adam wasn't 100% happy with how he tried to get Dave in check but he also didn't feel comfortable not telling him everything about Sue. Dave must have an idea that things for her haven't been easy. Adam and the rest warning him was enough of a giveaway for that. Now he had a hard job making sure Dave wasn't going overboard. Deep down he regretted a little bit that he asked him to come and help but now Dave had found his mate.

"I know Adam, I know! I should be better at this, I'm an Alpha for crying out loud but seeing what is happening just here on the dance floor. Well, it's not helping much to keep me calm knowing my Sue has been part of that. How can these youngsters be so gullible?" Dave replied with a growl in his voice.

"If you'd check them out you'll probably find out that most if not all are addicted to something and here they provided it. Some come back willingly others they force to stay addicted. Sadly, Sue fell into this last category. You've met Rosie. Despite this all, she still wanted her baby safe."

"Well, I'm glad she, no they, are no longer part of this! They're mine to care for now!"

"I know Dave, just a bit longer. Focus. You're normally so good at putting everything in mental boxes, lock these feelings away until we get these two out of here than its party time."

"I'll try, no promises," came Dave's strained answer.

Both went back to looking at the crowd when suddenly all alarm bells went off for Adam. The too familiar feeling when Chasey approaches. Dave noticed the change in him and tried following his gaze, landing on a tall handsome vampire. When looking more closely he saw the look was just that, a look. He saw the darkness beneath all the layers and the vicious intent was too visible in the eyes.

"Sorry for the wait, my friends. We had some unexpected business to take care of. It's good to see you again, Adam," Chasey said, stepping up and patting him on the shoulder. He turned to Dave next, "This must be your Alpha? Nice to make your acquaintance. I'm Chasey DiSarbonne, manager of this joint and soon your next best friend."

Dave looked at Adam, who shrugged bored, than back as Chasey. "Yes I'm the Alpha but I think I can make up my own mind on who my friends are. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to talk business. So, shall we? Or did I come in vain?" Dave wasn't even trying to hide his loathing at this weasely attempt to get in his good graces.

"Right down to business, I like that. If you would follow me, the boss is waiting in his office," he said, sounding so full of himself.

"Please," Dave gestured, "lead the way."

As they followed him, Dave couldn't help but have disgust on his face when he looked at Adam and silently pointed at the vamp in front of them.

Adam knew what Dave meant by the gesture and he full heartedly agreed. "It's almost settled," he whispered, the double meaning clear for him and Dave, Chasey oblivious to them at all.

Once they had left the, by now, crowed dance floor, they walked through an almost black passageway. If it wasn't for their above average eyesight, they wouldn't have seen the door at the end, which Chasey unlocked and kept open for them.

Inside was a pristine desk with nothing but a pile of papers on top of it. Behind it sat an average looking man, dull brown hair, a face that didn't stand out. He looked like one of those thirteen in a dozen kind of people, you see them but don't really remember them. That lasted until you looked into his eyes, but really looked.

Knowing what this talk was about he didn't try to hide what he was and his eyes were pure black orbs with a red rim. The eyes made him dangerous, very dangerous.

It dawned on Adam and Dave how desperate John and Gabriella were to eliminate him. He just oozed evil incarnate to them both, a feeling that made both their wolves growl inside, their anger rising to a dangerous level. Suddenly, both of them felt calm, their wolves still growling and pacing but not so urgent. Both Adam and Dave felt a mental connection click into place.

Thanks, my friend both of them thought.

With their wolves a bit more at ease, they came in further, looking at the vamp that could only be Derrick straight in the eyes. Not in a provocative way but more showing him they wouldn't back away from him. Telling him silently he could stop his little vampire show.

"Please, take a seat," Derrick said, his eyes now a dull brown. The message had gotten across. "Nice to meet you. If Chasey here is right, it seems we're in good company and a promising future."

With Dave present, Adam took the backseat and let him do the talking.

"A promising future, that's for sure," Dave said, his words having a totally different meaning. Nonetheless, he smiled and played a long. "How much time do you have to sort all of this? When my Beta called and informed me of this little place I was intrigued at how you could appear so legal, yet the little things I saw thus far are far from legal. Care to explain?"

"You know what they say, if I tell you, I'd have to shoot you," Derrick said, trying to make a joke.

"It's easy for me, I'm in or out. I know it all or I walk. I'd love to have another income for my pack, but if you prefer a pissing contest first… piss away. I'm not competing, I'm walking," Dave said as bored as he could muster.

"Oh I like you already. You don't take shit from anyone."

"You got that right. So how do we start up this venture?" Dave said, not wanting to waste much precious time.

Derrick just watched them both, fingers slowly tapping the pile of papers in front of him. He waited and waited, as if he wanted them to get impatient.

"Adam, let's go, this one has wasted enough of our time. If he wants to play with the kiddies, that is up to him. We're big boys already. We're past the playing stage already, let alone the grandstanding this one is trying to pull off," Dave said bored beyond belief.

Adam stood and waited for his Alpha to rise as well.

"Stop!" Derrick said with false friendliness.

"And why should we? You kept us waiting, you think you can play us, you think you have the last say. It's all you, you, you. You sound like a broken record already and we're not even in business yet.  I am surprised you even managed to set up this at all," Dave said derisively, waving his hand around. "So tell me, pretty please, why we should stay? I'm not seeing much reason to."

"I get your point and I kindly ask forgiveness for my bold and childish actions but I simply wanted to test how you would react. I'm not disappointed. You look like you're no longer interested, bored even-"

"Oh I am exactly that. It's easy. You start talking right this instant or I'm walking. I don't play games, never. I plan, I go in, sort things and move on. The only reason I was here was because Adam convinced me this was something for us. I'm clearly mistaken here," Dave interrupted Derrick.

"No no, you're not. Please, Adam, sit down again," Derrick addressed the still waiting man. Turning back to Dave he went on, "No more staling or games." Derrick grabbed the pile of papers in front of him and walked around the desk to hand them over to Dave. "Here you can read how everything is set up legally. Go through them first and see if you can do something like that or close to it."

There was this gleam in Derrick's eyes that couldn't hide that they acted and reacted the way he wanted. He didn't mind putting on a bit of a show to see what kind of people he was dealing with. Patiently, he waited for Dave to go over the papers.

Dave accepted the papers and made grand gestures pretending to go over them. Due to Merlin's little mind trick, they already knew what was in them and he knew that on the surface it all looked legit. He wanted to find out how the lesser legit things were sorted. Seeing that they made sure they weren't people to mess with, he just stalled a bit.

Adam, who hadn't listened to Derrick, was still standing next to him. With elaborate gestures he motioned his friend to sit down again before looking up at Derrick.

"This is the legit side of things, that's piss easy. How you go about the rest? That's the core of everything here, isn't it? That's what we want in our area. I thought playtime was over; all or nothing, remember?" Dave taunted him.

Derrick walked around his desk again and fumbled a bit with a few hidden buttons. Suddenly, behind him part of the wall glided open and a safe became visible.

He turned around again and looked surprised. He scanned the room visibly than closed his eyes, tilted his head and probably tried scanning for something on another level. He could swear he felt something but couldn't pin point what it was.

Dave cleared his throat, "Is anything wrong?"

"Wrong? I don't know. I hope not. I suddenly had a feeling there is something more in this room then just us. There can't be more, there is only one way in and out and I saw each of you entering," Derrick replied. "Maybe I'm just imagining things, but I would have sworn I felt someone step beside me."

"It's just us. So, what you were going to show us?" Dave diverted Derrick's attention back to the safe. Dave had to applaud the way it was worked in. Upon closer inspection he saw the walls consisted of similar black panels from floor to ceiling and behind such a panel was the hidden safe. He waited as Derrick punched in a code and a crème de la crème eye scanner appeared.

Paranoid much? he couldn't help but share with Adam, giving him a blank look at the same time.

He can be as paranoid as he wants to be, it's almost over anyways. Just keep winging it, you're doing ace. I'm sure Merlin is on top of things and is already nosing around in that little vault Adam replied.

I sure am. Just surprised a bit he felt me at all. He actually made me work a bit harder at staying hidden and undetectable, Merlin cut in. Not much to see in here but a huge pile of papers, two handguns – loaded and with the safety off, made them useless already – and a few sacks filled with gems. Don't think he trusts technology that much. Anyways, let them do most of the talking, get them together and I'll step in. He's actually starting to get on my nerves. Can't blame John and Gabriella for being furious about this one's betrayal, he should get an Oscar for his performance Merlin chipped in.

Get the gems, we'll find some good use of them Dave insisted.

Consider it done once he closes it again. And you're doing a damn fine job. If I wasn't in the loop, I'd be scared of you too. Knowing there is more to Derrick than he shows, do be careful, stop pushing things but just go along for now.

Will do, Merlin. Let's wrap this up shall we? were Dave's last mental words for the moment.

They watched as Derrick turned around with another pile of papers, neatly organized and with some sticky notes visible here and there. He walked back around his desk as he waded through the papers.

"Here is the first part. These are the positions that need taking care of to make sure that once you start up legally, you stay off the grid. Get a few officials on your payroll, a cop or two won't be so bad either, the higher their rank the better. There is also a list of people we control in some way or another," Derrick explained.

Carefully, Dave started reading. He was surprised at the level of some people, how high up this all went. The shit is literally gonna hit the fan with this one, Adam. John and Gabriella will have a lot to clean up.

"You certainly made sure you are near impossible to touch legally, nice job." Dave cringed inwardly having to applaud Derrick for all that he did.

"It took time and a lot of persuading, a little accident here or there, nothing we couldn't handle or get rid of," Derrick agreed.

"We can take care of this stage too. What more is there to it? We can supply a wide variety of wildlife; we got a lot of forest on our grounds. I also have a building in mind that would suit a similar lay-out as you have here," Dave explained.

Derrick went through his papers again and gave another bundle to Dave. "Here you find the basic lay-out we use here. You see what is available on each floor and who's in charge." He pulled out another parcel and handed that out to Chasey, who had to come from across the room to accept it. "In there is our list of contacts to get hold of the more 'exotic' variety. I hope you understand we won't be sharing that now but we'll make it available to you. Just call Chasey with what you require and he'll make sure it gets delivered in a timely fashion. As the trust grows over time you'll get access to that list and maybe build some contacts in your area."

Inwardly, Dave knew the moment was getting closer the second Chasey had come nearer to them.

"So, what we basically do now is get a building where we think it would fit in best, open it legally as a new club down town and get some people hooked to broaden our menu for the more important visitors?" Dave inquired.

"Something like that. We'll loan you a few of our people to help you set things up, though I'm sure you got a lot of capable people , but mine are just that little bit better. Yours listen to you because you're their Alpha. They may not like the things you order them to do. Mine, on the other hand, tend to enjoy what I tell them to do. All my vampires have a criminal record in some way. Once they cross over, that past disappears without a trace." Derrick was talking rather vividly now as if he wanted to boast about what he had achieved. Now that he was on a roll, he grabbed more papers from the bundle he was holding.

"They disappear but I still have one last copy. You never know when you have to put them straight and this is handy to keep them in line," Derrick smugly said. "Here have a look through them, Chasey, and see which ones you think would be suited enough not to bring too much attention to them when they go away for a while."

As Derrick handed over the papers a light flickering appeared around him and Chasey. The next second they were gone.

Dave relaxed instantly, so did Adam. Both were relieved this part went smoothly. Merlin was quick and smart as both saw the papers were all left behind. They gathered them together. Once they looked at some of them, it became clear how much Derrick hated new technology. They didn't know why and they also didn't care much about the reason why. They were happy enough it gave them the best means possible to break up the gang and organization.

They would have to talk to John and Gabriella first to see how they would be able to help. Right now they had to do some damage control to cover for the fact Derrick and Chasey were gone, at least until closing time. After that they planned for the club never to open its doors again for the public. From John they had gotten architectural plans of the building with marks all over them telling them where additions were build and fortifications made.

It was agreed that Merlin would stay in the cave long enough to do his trickery and magic on Derrick and help them keep Chasey subdued. He would then zap them back to the cave, then come back to the club to make sure it got closed and was left empty.

Adam paced restlessly now. He knew his time was coming and he let his mind wander toward the cute little redhead he had left behind. He smiled as he envisioned her small lithe body tucked in close, her one leg snugly over one of his own. Her sweet scent wafting around him. His wolf whined, he missed their mate as much as the human part of them.

"What is taking so long? Usually, he's just all over the place in a heartbeat," Adam said in a strained voice.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon. It seems all he does goes with ease but maybe Derrick is proving to be a small challenge? Maybe you can now fill me in on what was done to Sue? What did they make her do? How did they threaten her?" Dave tried to divert his attention.

Adam was thankful for what Dave tried to do but he felt a bit hesitant sharing the little bits he did know about Sue. It were mainly the things he saw Chasey force her to do while they were having a meeting, he somehow didn't feel so sure Dave could cope with that little fact. Not to mention he knew that Dave would want direct contact to his mind. Dave respected him and his past enough that he didn't allow just anyone to cross that bridge with him. Even with him now being able to have some closure, it didn't mean he would throw it all out into the open.

"I'm not sure you should even see this. It's not pretty," Adam said defeatedly. "The things I know I saw myself, if I'm honest I'm not sure how you'll react to that."

"Just spit it out already, it can't be worse to what they did to your mate, is it?" Dave countered him.

That made Adam angry, just thinking about it.

"Be careful Dave, you best not mention that too many times. That piece of shit is still alive and my wolf wants his ass on a golden platter. I'm having a hard time keeping him in check," Adam warned.

"Oh really now? How do you think mine is feeling? Ever thought about that?"

"I did! That is just why I'm so reluctant to let you see. Sure, it isn't as bad as what they did to my precious, but they still forced the choice on Sue with Rosie being the price to pay if she didn't obey to their wishes," Adam explained.

"I understand. Still I want to see, I want to know and understand what they've put her through, if only to make my wolf understand that the patience I want us to have with her is needed. Yours is as restless as mine, both having found their mate but not allowed to make that final bond. You managed to get some reason into yours with dangling revenge in front of him. Well, mine wants the same.

But you and I know, you are the better fighter of the two of us, you can get into that zone, maybe not as easy as when you were in the Forces, but you know how. I need that edge to get me there. This goes beyond protecting the pack, this is about my own future AND that of the pack and their future Madam."

When Dave was done talking, he could see the internal struggle it caused for Adam.

"Fine," he relented, "but you know where to draw a line."

"Thank you." Dave sounded relieved now that Adam agreed to letting him read his mind.

This was something of a rare thing, not many packs were able to do this. Mental connections were easy, within every pack that was normal, everybody was connected to their Alpha and their Alpha to them, thus making a connection between each pack member. The mind reading went a step further. As rare as it was, not everybody in the pack was able to and those who were, needed training to control this rare gift.

"Sit down and relax, you know it will go easier that way," Dave suggested.

Both men sat across one another, waiting patiently for both of them to calm down enough to make this connection as easy as possible.

Adam closed his eyes and thought back at the evening he met up with Chasey.


He felt Dave put a single hand on the side of his head, the close contact making the initial bridge. He felt a tug on his mind, signaling Dave's entry. All he could do now was sit this one out and trust Dave not to go beyond what he wanted to know about Sue.

Many minutes later Dave let go and harshly breathed in and out, his eyes changing, growls erupting loudly.

Adam sighed as he expected this outcome. There wasn't much he could do as to let have Dave a few moments to get the anger out of his system before he even would attempt to reason with him.

"Dave, look at me," Adam clearly spoke, "Dave, I need you to focus on my voice. You need to calm down, my friend. I know you want revenge and you will get it. Chasey will be locked up and you can deal with him as I will deal with Rupert. We both will get our revenge, I promise!"

For many minutes more, Adam kept repeating the same things, hoping at one point he would get through to his Alpha. It was then that Merlin appeared behind the desk.

Adam was startled for just a second, then turned towards Merlin, "I know you probably have some trick up your sleeve but can you  bring him back to a more reasonable state? I've been trying to talk to him but I'm not really getting through to him."

"How did that happen?" Merlin asked.

"He insisted on knowing what I knew about Sue. I tried talking him out of it but he's in the same boat I'm in, I couldn't refuse. He connected to my memory and saw what happened that evening with Chasey and Sue."

"Oh crap."

"That was my thought too, but he's having a hard time getting control over his wolf. Can you help him?" Adam pleaded.

Merlin stepped up to Dave and gently touched his shoulder. The reaction was instantaneous and Adam let out a relieved sigh seeing his friend and Alpha in a more reasonable state.

"I owe you one Merlin," Dave gasped. "I heard Adam talking and talking, I knew he made sense but I wasn't getting through to my wolf. He wants blood, I want blood."

"Don't mention it. Derrick is secure. It took a bit longer because Gabriella first wanted to check how special his powers really were. It almost drained her but what she found has made her more determined that terminating him is the only thing they can do. Chasey is locked up tight." He handed a set of keys to both Adam and Dave. "These will open their cells and shackles. I'm quite sure you can take it from there?"

The men just nodded.

"There is just a small problem with Ed. He gave himself to his rogue, I put him under and calmed the beast. From what I gather, he's done this before and probably has more time to get his rage under control. He'll want blood when he wakes up. I did leave him a little package for when that happens but I'm afraid it won't be enough to sate his bloodlust."

"Here are the documents Derrick had in his safe. This is the list of his employees and their records. Maybe if you go through them you might find one or two. It's not the most fair thing to do, but I don't want these vampires left alive to wreak more havoc!" Dave offered. "They've done enough, this all ends tonight."

Merlin took the papers and looked at the first few. "Dear me, where did he find these guys? They should all have been in prison with no chance on parole!"

"I'd say give it your best shot and give Ed some competition. Once he's lost to his rogue he'll rip the other one apart before he's able to reclaim his senses," Adam spoke softly.

"I'll do my best. But let's get you both to the cave then I can wrap things up here, go over this list and make sure the club won't reopen."

"OK, let's get on with it."

Dave and Adam held out a hand to Merlin, seconds later they appeared in the cave.

"Be strong my friends, I hope you can ease your wolves and then get back to the more pleasant things in life," Merlin spoke swiftly before porting out, not giving both men a shot at replying.

With a determined look on their face both went to the cell in front of them.

Revenge was all they could think about now.

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